Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm Just Sayin': Blondes May Have a Thing or Two on Brunettes. What?!?

Look, BMR says some things, sometimes in the heat of the moment, possibly while Shoulders drunk speaker dials his dad or you know, maybe he holds some particular opinion and chased off all the squares. Call me a reneger, I don't care. Practicin' renegerdom. Call it what you will. Blondes have shit on brunettes. Fuck.

Sorry, OBD

Guess they didn't take the 25-35 male Miller High Life drinking anti-green movement outdoorsmen into consideration when they did this.

Clone ass Behavior: Technophiles

What would our world be with less personal electronic devices? A hell of alot more jackal that's what. You know I just figured out this whole iPad thing. It's less useful than an iphone (also quite douchey as well) because it is too big for a pocket, doesnt make phone calls, and doesn't play flash media so essentially useless for the internet oh and it is bascically a giant itouch (very douchy). It is less useful than a laptop as well because it is not as powerful and does nothing for word processing (conveniently anyway). So it is basically a toy to show the other nerds who has the most Call of Duty points or whatever since cock measurement was sacrificed years ago when you became a clone nerd freak virgin assclown dork.

Or to put in into other terms it is like pulling up in a shiny new BMW 6 series with giant chrome rims and a huge spoiler just to show everyone just how fucking cool you are. BABABBBRRRAABABBBRRRAABABBBRRRA
Here is BD2s list of technodouchbaggery starting with the most clone to the least.

Clonest Devices:
Anything with a bluetooth earpiece
PSP, PS3, 4 whatever
PDAs, Blackberrys, Droids, iPhones, etc
Texting phones (I have one they fucking suck)
Flip phones
Basically anything that you pay a service for or ensures that you have no regard for what is happening around you...reality...when you are walking down the street.

This was NOT sent from my iPhone. Hallelujah Holy Shit.

801: VM's Tuxedo

So, Voicemail, I'm thinking the lucky lady might want you smelling and looking like a Bacon Explosion on her special day. If she shoots it down, please make your groomsmen wear them.