Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Den Posts that are making me laugh days after I read them:

"moafucka hit ma peena".

I'm just sayin' that shit is still funny and I can't stop sayin it.

Dan Snyder = DB or the Century!

I hate Dan Snyder... Yes HATE!

"football player"

nothing else to say, but what a fag...

Where Jackals Fear to Tread: The Middle East

Wow...Imagine how many lashes we would have received in our lives by now if we were unfortunate enough to be born in this country.

'Merica may have its problems to be certain, but shit like this makes me feel fortunate to not live in a place like Saudi Arabia.

Dude not only got sentenced to 5 years FPMITA (Federal Pound Me in the Ass Prison) but also got 1,000 lashes (don't know what that is "exactly" but sounds really bad) for talking about having fun. "charged with violating Saudi Arabia's crime of publicizing vice." He didn't even get caught having fun, just openly discussing it meant a beating and jail time. These officials are clearly sex starved and not thinking straight. I hope all these virgins they are going to get in heaven have a bad case of herpes and faces like Charles Barkley.
"Pre-marital sex is illegal, and unrelated men and women are not permitted to mingle." What the hell is that? That is the GAFest thing I have ever heard. There are some crazy mofos over there.

By the way this picture is totally unrelated to this story. It took place in Yemen, but it is most likely another situation where someone was murdered/tortured in front of others for doing something totally normal to keep the cycle of fear going. FUCK THAT..
Someone needs to get shit control over there.
