Sunday, January 31, 2010


View from my seats as the caps dominated the Panthers this past Friday night. I was lucky enough to get watch the only worth while thing about DC show the them pussys whats up. ROCK THE RED!!! Hopefully Comcast sports net will allow me to watch the caps continue their streak this Tuesday against the bruins.


I don't think you're happy enough! That's right! I'll teach you to be happy! I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs! Now, boys and girls, let's try it again

If'n you aint the grandaddy of all liars! The little critters of nature... They don't know that they're ugly! That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumblebee! I told you I'd shoot! But you didn't believe me! Why didn't you believe me?!

Now give me my fucking Capitals hat....God damn you NFLshop....god DAMN you!

I'll learn you bitches!

PS in case you can't read the picture:
"Crosby is a crybaby bitch...HHHHHOOOWWWLLLLL!!!!....Go Caps....SHITTSBURG"  Thanks for the idea Babyface.

Hope these fools get bitchslapped on NBC next Sunday.  

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Hottie...Again: Pirelli Tires Calendar girls

I am not sure what any of this has to do with tires, but it is sort of cool in a eurotrash sort of way.

PS Keep fuckin' THAT chicken!

Friday Hottie: Natalie Gulbis

Natalie, get good and stretched out there. This tour photographer was admiring your technique and how you refuse to swing a club before those tendons, ligaments and other muscle tissues are good and ready. This Friday Hottie knows her way around a shaft and can never have too many balls.


Have you ever been slapped about the face repeatedly for an entire month? This has been this kind of month. Work sucks at the moment, housing situation is driving BD2 crazy, and punk ass New Jersey is a polluted wasteland...I can't take this shit!
To top it all off I ordered up a Caps cap and guess what the chicken fuckers sent me instead. A fucking powder blue Shittsburg Peguins t-shirt. (head tipped downward shaking side-to-side)

PS - I know I have a lot of posts to read up on but I somehow was able to get through the gay clone firewall at work and slap in this post.

To all my real live Jackals....BallDEEP be having problems...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Get That Fuckin' Post Out Of My Face!

Goddamn I was tired of looking at that goofy motherfucker. If the Beastie Boys only knew the shit show for which they planted the seed. Getting that damn post off the top of the Den feels about as good as letting one rip while you sip on a golden beer on a sunny afternoon. Ready to be sad? Check out this chick's breast to ass ratio.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Up to you jackals is this guy GAF or not?

Either way caps be fucking shit up. ROCK THE RED NINJAS!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jackal Come Lately: No Room For VM On the UMD Bandwagon

Before this gets too far along, BMR has to set the record straight. I don't have a written statement, but I'd like to recount, for the Den's good and conscious consideration, an exchange I had some weeks back with our boy, one University of Maryland College Park Terrapin Alumnus, Voicemail. I was attending a Wild Card Playoff game/bluegrass-inspired hoot-en-anny, erstwhile, the Terps were suiting up for a wee bit of the heave ho on the hardcourt for their first in-conference matchup with FSU's 'Noles. BMR was fixin' to see how his boys would fare, not an alumnus at all, but a true Maryland sports fan - Ravens/O's/Terps/Caps/eh hem, Wizards, but consistent as a mawlfucker. My question was posed to our good lad, VM, "Are we gonna throw this Terps game on?" BMR inquired. "They suck yo,"(or something akin) was VM's retort. At some point thereafter dude ran on about some character from Georgetown and 'did I see that game last week?' of course to which your real live jackal BMR exhaled with a "pffft", as in 'fuck yo' shit' or 'Georgetown, I hate yo' sorry ass'. We caught bits and pieces, but a majority of the second half didn't make it to the screen. BMR was on an island. VM, is this to say you've worked so long at your [undisclosed employer] and fogotten what it's like to be here?Georgetown isn't doing shit. Rock the red, yo.

Easy math

Bad day at work? Man got you down? Got a case of the tuesdays? 

Leave early + glenmrangie + ice + sister picking you up + second row seats to terps = problem solved

GCOTD: LeBron James

When you're a 7-foot tall manchild, flopping for foul calls will make you look damn near ridiculous. Dude can ball, it's been documented, but play the game, man. Let the refs be refs. The NBA is basketball's gay clone. Thank the lawd jesus, the college game is still pure and jackal as fuck.

You're the gay clone of that kid who was nationally televised as a high schooler. I used to root for you like a real live jackal. Now, I'll only do so when you play the Spurs, because only Tim Duncan cries for more fouls than you do.

American sports media has nurtured this fucker's ego for wayyyy too long. Who is this tattoo referring to as the chooser? David Stern? God? NBA fans? You're not basketball's messiah, dude.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Saturday Morning Awesome Getting Excuse #182: Six Nations Rugby

It brought me great sadness when I first read this, because I missed the entire thing and I completely let last Six Nations Rugby season slip through me mits.

But now a jackal is in and looking forward to seeing this at 9:30am on Saturday, February 6. Location unknown.

SS, you should roll out Super Bowl sunday and get real awesome, because the Scottish play the cheese slurpin', ain't never done nuthin' for 'Merica, but probably'd be speakin' German right now if it wasn't for our mawlfuckin' ass no good French at 10am. It'll actually be a situation where you can root for a football(of sorts) team because it's where you're from.

Here's the gayest Irish fight song ever to get Voicemail in my corner. It has a good message, although my ninja, Paul Brady sums up the notion that Brits ain't got no business still clinging to Irish soil in this little ditty, which is deceptively cold blooded as a muthfucka:

Have You Seen This Jackal?: BD2

There has been a great disturbance in the jackal force. BD2 is MIA behind clone lines. Is it possible the jackal gods were upset he attempted to erect an adjacent temple of jackaldom, known as the 'Straight Outta Plompton' blog, and struck him from the blogosphere entirely? Surely Mrs. BD2 will follow Mrs. SS lead and purchase a web-browsing-enabled cell phone. I miss you, BD2. I miss your musk.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

JOTD: Gary Fucking Williams

To say I'm feeling big balled about the Terps right now is an understatement. I had season tickets to football this year and they won two games for Anubis's sake... But that suffering was worth it because the season tickets to basketball are oh so enjoyable. Terps are going places this year, fun places.

Last night Gary Williams coached his 1000th game. He's won 640 something of those, 430 of them at MD. Feinstein has an article up about it. Long story short Jackal came to MD when he didn't have to. He came home to MD when the school was about to get dicked by the white bread NCAA just like Bryan Tribble was getting dicked by the white bread government for a mistake that Len Bias made. Mother fuckers trying to hold Jackals down. But Jackals don't get held down they get their grind and on fight back with a vengeance. Then they drink the sweet nectar of victory.

So on this the day after Gary coached his 1000th game I bring back an old folk tune for the old BBall coach. If I was a girl I most certainly would be his ho.

Baleeve it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

ACC PSA: We Aint No Joke!

You come to Comcast Center this year and your gonna get disrespected and UNFed on. Terps ain't fuckin around no more. You think beating Duke by 15 at home means something? You come out and win the tip and hit a three? Then my boy Mosely busts an And 1 in your grill, we get a stop and a bucket, get up by 5+ and force you to call a timeout and YOU NEVER GET THAT CLOSE AGAIN. Beat NC State by 24 and it wasn't that close. YOU GOT A HOT DATE ON TUESDAY MIAMI, WOOOOOOOWEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I fat fingered that post

I tailgated. What of it? Jackals should be here. Ticket was available. Year of the clone continues....

Jackals be slippin

Live and direct from comcast center. Second row. A seat was

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Hottie: Melissa Theuriau

Can you imagine getting your news from this? Hey, there was an earthquake. Your football team lost. The world is essentially fucked. Somehow, it's all a bit easier to take on those glossy lips. Sorry these are all from her at work, google her name and you'll see more, if you pickin' up what I'm layin' down. Female celebrities, there's always someone with you at the topless beach!

You Liberals Are All the Same

Serious Post: Call to Action

I apologize for disrupting the Jackitude, but this is important: The Democrats in Congress are dangerously close to deciding that, because some bitch in Massachusetts didn't like shaking hands or know who Curt Schilling was, they're going to tuck their tails between their legs and quit on health care reform. With nearly 60/40 majorities in both houses of Congress. When most Americans like what's in the bill. Even though it would severely damage Obama's presidency.This bill, which has gone through five Congressional committees and been passed by both chambers, is a single vote from the finish line. Literally - this thing could be done tomorrow, chalked up as a success, and out of the headlines a week from now.This is the major policy goal that progressives have been seeking for something like 100 years (there was a major health care reform effort in the 1930s!). It will cover 30 million sick and poor Americans, save all of us from fear of losing coverage due to loss of job or rescission, and begin the much-needed reforms of the delivery system (e.g. doctor & pharmaceutical reimbursement) needed to save this country from eventually being bankrupted by health care costs. And it will do all of this while reducing the deficit.

If they don't pass this bill, then what the fuck are they in Congress for? So what can you do? Call your Representative and tell them to pass the Senate's bill, particularly if they happen to be one of the following:
  • Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
  • Donna Edwards (MD-04)
  • Frank Kratovil (MD-1)
  • Bill Pascrell (NJ-08)
  • Donald Payne (NJ-10)
  • Albio Sires (NJ-13)
Seriously if one of those is your rep and you don't call them, I'll kick you in the dick the next time I see you.

Then call some of the other representatives on the fence (a good list is at the bottom of this post) and tell them to pass the Senate's bill.

If they fail to pass this, my Representative and Senators (all three of whom are Democrats) will lose my votes forever. Because I don't vote for pussies. Period. And I'm going to make sure they know it before they make their decision.

UPDATE: It might be worth calling your Senators, too, and telling them to pass the amendments to the Senate bill via reconciliation.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Drunk Ass Jackals Be Funny As Fuck

I got a new phone. It does awesome stuff. We drank Razzouk, it made us awesome. And Boogers McRib really wants to fight some dude named Mr Cheen. Odd developments indeed.

Bitches Be Stupid

My married jackals, how did you know you wouldn't go totally insane listening to your wife talk to her friends, on occasion, but nevertheless for the rest of your life? When I hear fake ass bitches bullshit each other until they're blue in the face, it makes me want to post on Straight Outta Plompton: The Blog. Seriously, this is what I hear from the cube next door, while the drinkable yogurt I had for breakfast continues to make me fart:

"Oh my god, [attractive girl], you'll never believe what happened last night," says unattractive girl.
"Oh my god, what?" asks attractive girl.
"Kill me," BMR mutters to himself.
"I totally had to walk to the Metro(4 blocks, if that) and it was sooo cold," explained unattractive girl.
"You know what, [unattractive girl] I got flowers(AGAIN! and you didn't, but I'll just imply that instead of saying it out loud)," attractive girl said.
"Wow, [attractive girl], you are so lucky(you fucking bitch! I don't give a fuck about your flowers)"



PS the guy in the picture sucks..

Jackal Precaution: Drinkable Yogurt/Coffee



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fuck this shit: Legion,

I'd like to introduce a new segment called "Fuck this shit".  Basically exactly the same sentiments expressed in the GCOTD except it relates to a place or thing versus a person.  

Today's installment is about the latest shit nugget from Hollywood's anus, the new movie "Legion".  Don't waste your time watching the youtube clip chances are unfortunately you have seen it before in some other shitty form.  CGI, unscary kids, religious overtones, armageddon theme, shitty acting, Dennis Quaid, Tyrese, explosions, etc. etc. It is all bullshit. Please join in the movement of refusing to watch this refuse and hopefully it will go away or at least be made in another language so that Americans will be unable to watch it because they will have to read.

Think I am exaggerating?

Here are just a few more examples of how fucking shitty movies are these days.

I blame all this shit on video gamers...ya bastards. "Dude District 9 on Xbox is gonna be sick bro!"

Sweet mother of Anubis

What feature did I just discover????

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

GCOTD: Patrick Chan

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I found it! Fuck you, Patrick Chan! Now the Den will know how hilarious your claims are. Whose idea was it to put the story of your mom not letting you play hockey in the commercial? I might tune in to the mens' figure skating final just to watch you lose and cry about it like your Gay Clone Idol. Canada, get ready to get put the fuck asleep. What do you guys normally take home, like three gold medals? Keep fuckin' that chicken.

Jackal Trap: Longwood University

What in the sam hill is going on around here? Can someone tell a jackal why this game is scheduled the third week of the year? One thing I'll say about the Lancers is a 90% job placement rate is damn good and the dude to chick ratio is 31% to 69%(yes, it's 69% percent female, cue "cha-ching" sound effect and "hey now" from Howard Stern) I'm just wondering why the Jackals of Terps Basketball have to play these fools now, when we should have our eyes on the ACC prize. Anyone? Head, you're good at typing a lot of things and forcing my intellect to surrender. Do you want to talk me out of asking this question?

The Economics of Drinking

This is awesome (semi-literally in the parlance of Jackalese):
It is argued that drug consumption, most commonly alcohol drinking, can be a technology to give up some control over one’s actions and words. It can be employed by trustworthy players to reveal their type. Similarly alcohol can function as a “social lubricant” and faciliate type revelation in conversations. It is shown that both separating and pooling equilibria can exist; as opposed to the classic results in the literature, a pooling equilibrium is still informative. Drugs which allow a gradual loss of control by appropriate doses and for which moderate consumption is not addictive are particularly suitable because the consumption can be easily observed and reciprocated and is unlikely to occur out of the social context. There is a trade-off between the efficiency gains due to the signaling effect and the loss of productivity associated with intoxication. Long run evolutionary equilibria of the type distribution are considered. If coordination on an exclusive technology is efficient, social norms or laws can raise efficiency by legalizing only one drug.
So per my relatively limited understanding, it's (1) good for society that alcohol makes people more honest so they know who they're dealing with but (2) not so productive when everyone's drunk. And (1) often outweighs (2).

Would any Jackals out there with training in economics care to extend this to The Economics of Jackaldom?

Monday, January 18, 2010

JOTD: Pete Seeger

This dude was JAF. His music and political views got ol' Pete in a heap of trouble. What did he do? Change his mind? Shut the fuck up? No, he said fuck the establishment and was blacklisted as a Communist. His music served to "white-ify" the civil rights movement. He could have easily walked the other way, sang different songs, but he didn't and that's why he's the Jackal of the Day.  Martin Luther King Jr. was also quite jackal, but I didn't want to change my blogging alias to Captain Fuckin' Obvious.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jackal Memories of my past: Chappelle Show

Fucking hell I had forgotten how good this was...

Caps are so awesome I just shit my pants

Seriously these guys are fucking insane. They are fucking teams up left and right. It feels so good to have a home team that doesn't suck ass. The Maple Leafs are in the midst of a caps given bitch slap and it is quite enjoyable to watch albeit on highlights through NHL network. Apparently the Maple Leafs' history is of Protestant British descent so fuck them times 1,000,000,000,000,000. Fuck yo couch Maple Leafs!

GCOTD: Broadview Security

Scoring is hard enough, but now you have these commercials depicting seemingly normal men as terrible monsters.

Broadview Security=Cock block

Friday Hottie: Kate Beckinsale

This chick's props are so long overdue, I almost feel bad throwing it down for her. Underworld really sucked, but it does have obscene blood in portions that made it pretty enjoyable. I never would have even considered wasting those two hours four times, if this blessed piece of awesome hadn't graced the screen. SS, keep your greasy flies on the ass-photo shoppin' paws of my main squeeze, aight? Happy Friday, Jackals. And to you, Ms. Beckinsale. Arf.

Jackal Conundrum: Starch

All I'm saying is you tell a jackal to bring starch, you've said enough. Imagine you're sitting, watching sports, keeping jackal, and your fellow jackal drops some freshly grilled/smoked meat on your plate. Is it so hard to fathom consuming said meat without the obligatory starch to which we are so accustomed as 'Mericans? I'm just saying, maybe you could take a bite of chicken, steak, venison, whatever your taste buds require, and supplant said starch with a freshly prepped pizza pie from your boy Boogers? Pizza crust = starch. Of course, you could just tell Voicemail to put some taters together. Status quo is for scarf-wearers, yo. keepin' it Jackal

Nuggets put me up on this a long time ago. From time to time I go back to laugh at the misery of others to make myself feel better about myself. Here are a few highlights in case you have been out of touch