Not like I'm telling you anything you don't know, but ninjas are gunnin' for your ass. Just this past Saturday I was getting awesome with T Large, we were keepin' it magnificent and what not, but my one buddy rolled in, two ninjas(presumably jackal by association) slipped into our midst, undetected. It was beyond my comprehension at the time(sometime later I inquired "I saw so and so, where did he end up?" turns out dude aided and abedded ninjas, unbeknownst) So they were slurping from the teet of the keg and partaking in some wicked fun Kubb action, I'm not sure if they grabbed some wife ass or just disrespected one of the birthday boys, but jackals made quick work, just hope your savvy enough to do the same when the occasion calls.
CTB Show 527: Five to Ten Dads
21 hours ago