Open a Chrome Incognito window or "Porn Mode" and surf away to all your favorite porn sites without leaving a trace. You don't have to worry anymore if you cleared your history after viewing your favorite bukake site or if the words "tranny midget orgy ho-down" will show up in your search history.
I know we Jackals would rather bang our wives, drunk girlfriends, questionable interns, or 16-year old highschool juniors, but when all else fails, a Jackal always covers his tracks.
**The selections of awesome porn listed above do reflect The Wiz's own personal taste. The Wiz is not responsible for any retard that uses "porn mode" at work and gets fired and then has to force their wife into the porn business just to survive (which I'll watch using "porn mode").
ReplyDeleteThat shit was fucking hilarious. Tico no doubt already knows about this, but if not, he will forever be in your debt.
ReplyDeleteYes! How do you do incognito mode!?
ReplyDeleteSee.. this post is what I'm talking about. "Jackal Helpful Tip of the Day". That'll be the name of my new section. Anybody can contribute.
Nevermind I got it. Go to the "wrench" icon and choose "incognito mode".
ReplyDeleteExcellent (in Montgomery Burns voice)
plethora of Knowledge this den of ours