Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kyle Admits Defeat

SS: and whats a jackal gotta do to laugh at Kyle stalking a ho?

Kyle: i think i felt some sort of emotion for posting her photo unknowingly in the Den
like a bad emotion
it was weird

SS: hahahaha, of course you did, stalker, but thats what made it funny!
perhaps it was guilt?

Kyle: photos don't do her justice
she's lookin' hot today

SS: yeah right
i bet she's got on a momo

Kyle: don't need your approval, ScarTissue
if she did, she'd still be smokin'
isn't it a moomoo?
or mumu?
what the fuck is a momo

SS: "Hey Kyle, wanna go to all you can eat deep fried burgers for lunch? and then get some ice cream, cold stone ice cream?" Jabba the Intern
yeah mumu moomoo, thats the one
prove SS wrong Kyle prove SS wrong!

Kyle: ineffective
and childish


  1. Are you guys really just posting your instant message conversations? We are better than this Jackals. funny picture though.

  2. She's hot yo. Roll her in the sawdust to find a wet spot. Then go to town. Easy peasy, Japaneezy.

  3. I take offense to what you said BallDeep. I was putting a bear trap out for Kyle and I Microsoft Painted a Plus Sized Model. You have offended my honro sir!

  4. i am sorry, just heated that readership is down. Maybe I should look in the mirror. Of my 5 posts yesterday, only 2 received comments. Need to step my jackal game up.

  5. I would be all about this post...except that so much of it duplicated what Boogers already posted. Not that Ball DEEP, the man who posted this travesty has any room to criticize.

  6. Yeah, but Boogers had his shit in a draft and got it up after I put mine up. It's a bullshit bush league trick. Plus mine has a picture. Mine shoudl stay his should go. Why should mine changed his is the one that sucks?

  7. I do kind of concur with this. Why the fuck do they list posts by when you started your draft rather than when it's actually posted? This sounds like something for the founder of the Jackals Den to work on...

  8. haha moose knuckle all up in your face head
