Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prius Gay Clone Dispute Continued

Need transportation that is not as nerdy as Head's hybrid but still treehugger friendly?

"Gotta be honest: I only car about cars to the extent that they (1) get me where I need to go and (2) do so without costing me a ton of money. So in a lot of ways the Prius is the perfect car for me (or the Civic Hybrid, which was much cheaper when I bought).  Oh and I am a big fucking nerd." - Head

Here are a few Jackal approved mobiles that even the crunchiest of hippies/or hipsters can appreciate.

Jackel MS50 Scooter (not that Jackal but the name is)
Santa Cruz Jackal
Moto Guzzi Jackal

PS if you don't like all these posts of mine...post your own.   Head, SS, TICO, and Boog are carrying you fools (good looking Aldente and KOTJ as well).


  1. Hilarious that you found three such vehicles with Jackal in the name...

    And yes, these other fellas need to chime in, because sooner or later my employer (and possibly yours as well) are going to want me to do things during the day...

  2. yeah at this rate I will most certainly be managing nightshift at Burger King before the Ribs show up in a few weeks.

  3. Wait a minute... These things are "Jackal approved" just because they have "Jackal" in their names? Fuck that! If Jackal is riding a Vespa to work, where do I turn in my dog tags?

  4. Simply because something has the name Jackal does not make it jackal, however if you were to purchase said scooter spray paint it urban camo and ride around freaking out squares with Kobe Bryant Rape face imitation that would be jackal.

  5. plus if you notice I put a not that jackal disclaimer on it. The name alone earns it "some" jackal points.

  6. "Some" is enough to raise argument. It's a fucking scooter.

  7. I'm pretty sure you would to mount at least 1 automatic weapon to the scooter to make it jackal, have to side with Clonelle on this one.

  8. ok the freaking scooter sucks... i admit it go buy the guzzi and shut up. I am going to be driving my 8 wheeled big foot anyway. I was just trying to share a little love with our NAF enviroconscience jackals.
