Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ask a Jackal: New Hot Intern

This marks the start of a new feature at The Jackals Den: Ask a Jackal. Here we'll take questions from people we know and get a Jackal's perspective on how to handle it. Today's conundrum comes from Kyle, a long-time friend of a Jackal:
We just got an intern today and she's wicked hot. I can't talk to anyone at work about it, so I'm leaning on you guys. Wicked hot, no exaggeration. Anyone on who knows me knows that I shouldn't be in close proximity to wicked hot females. And she's been asked to report to me! This can't end well.
Jackals, chime in on the most Jackal-like way to handle this. (Note: Picture provided for illustrative purposes. This is not actually the coworker in question....as far as I know.)


  1. take her picture with your cell phone camera to show to your buddies!

  2. Kyle -

    You may want to try this approach:

    Kyle to intern
    "Hey can you grab my pen for me? I dropped it over there on the floor"
    "Sure let me just bend over sensually facing the opposite direction and grab it."
    Kyle to intern

    CLICK and send to all of your friends for them to judge.

  3. do you know what you should do? Take her picture with your cell phone and send it to your friends. That would be awesome.

  4. I have a sneaking suspicion you may have drank too much last night and are still buzzed and may be sweating a fat chick. I suggest you never send me the picture you have taken and ask me to circulate it. I suggest if you already did this you run far far away from the internet and ridicule that is headed your way...
