Tuesday, June 9, 2009

McRib this ones for you!

Stealing Evan's thunder here but Burger King is going to start selling ribs at select locations (read in states that think the confederacy won the Civil War, and Dundulk).


You know they're going to suck and you know said locations are going to be in the dirty south but man oh man if we ever make a trip to go see Short Sleeves that would be some awesome late night drunk food. I am thinking they would end up on the BK $ menu of shit or whatever the fuck it's called and you could get a giant greasy bag containing the ribs of 3 actual pigs for something south of $20. Your toilet would never be the same.



  1. Wow, way to basically move this post from the top of the sidebar to the top of the actual blog. We couldn't have moved our mouse that extra inch to click on that story to the right.

  2. Allow me to introduce your tongue to my balls. You know what to do.

  3. so burger king is ripping off the simpsons?
    i belive the ribwhich was the name of the sanwhich introduced to krusty burger and there was a "dead head" esue following if i do remeber correctly becasue the ribwhich kept moving from town to town
    burger king is a gay clone?
