Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gay Clone of the Day: Shia La Beouf/John Travolta

Well couldn't decide which of these was worse so I am nominated them both for today's Gay Clone of the Day award. Both have new movies coming out, both are famous for God knows what, and rest assured both are clearly GAF.
Now I like mindless entertainment as much as the next guy and I wanted to like Transformers with its witty humor and its cutting edge CGI and of course Megan Fox, but really how many producers did this guy suck off to get famous. He is clearly a no talent ass clown in its most definite form. Did anyone waste their time seeing Indiana Jones? Anyone?....OK so I did but that is not the point. The point is this guy sucks......a lot.
That brings us to Mr. Travolta. Yes, he has had some recent tragedy and I do feel for his family on that. He also made disco cool for a least a year. That said, Travolta has not made a good movie since Pulp Fiction. And that was not good because of him but rather good even though he was in it. I mean without Samuel L. Jackson he would have just been a fat heroin addict with a cool car anyway. Let's go down the list of why he sucks. Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow, Hairspray, Ladder 49, Swordfish, Battlefield Earth (apparently had to look this one up), Phenomenon, Look Who's Talking, Wild Hogs, he flys his own personal fleet of commercial aircrafts, he is friends with Oprah, he believes in aliens or scientology or whatever they call it these days, and he is John Travolta.
So congrats Tinseltown tossers you are tied for today's whole lot of suck award.


  1. I saw "Eagle Eye" too. That movie was also gay. I think Shia was in it.

    And for the record, white guys with names that end in "A" are born gay, thanks to their parents. WTF were they thinking? "Hey honey, I have a great idea -- let's name him Shia so he can be made fun of for the rest of his life!"

    Stand up job mom and pop.

  2. double swish! a Jackals gotta get on his grind early if he wants to declare a gay clone of the day...

  3. there are so many out there we may have to start GC of the hour.
