Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wop Waaahhhhhhh

Man, The Jackals Den hasn't seen anything that anti-climactic since a drunken Tico tried to convince his babymamma to shag after playing Wizards Solitaire. Cameron, put down the scotch and cigar and uncross your legs. You're not an old man, but if a Hollywood effects studio were to make you over like one, no one would know.


  1. Yeah, I was just trying to mix it up a bit, luckily VoiceMail outgayed me a mere hour later so my conscious is clear...

  2. Cigars and Scotch? You couldn't find a better insult than that?

    Scotch and cigars are hardcore, Boogers. If you do it while crossing your legs, then I am in agreement that's old balls.
