Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm gonna go it alone, boys

Please, gentleman, get a hold of yourselves. Yeah that's a sure fire way to get the goods. Unfortunately, we can't trust a matter of this magnitude to kin of ye Scarred One. In this age of technology and immediate satisfaction, it's easy to take the cyber horizontal walkway like they have at Chicago-O'Hare and Philadelphia airports, while others walk down the middle(no one's quite sure why, different blog) or stand idle on the moving walkway, when walking would damn near triple their TTT(total travel time). 
Let's face it. My mission, since I came up with it, I'd be a significantly large douche if I didn't follow through and accept, is to bring back another photo. Rather quickly, it will be come common knowledge that I do not own, nor consult a blackberry, but a standard cell phone. The subject of my photographs will conclude that I am A)extremely organized thanks to my cell phone calendar B)poorly organized in the 'Contacts' area of my phone directory or C)taking attempted discrete photographs in an attempt to show my buddies how hot she is
Let's do away with Facebooking and MySpaceing hot chicks, especially if you're married, because your wife might find out. And if you're scared of her, Scar Tissue/Jungle King(although obviously not king of your house) I'm looking in your direction, she might find out and spend all of your money on shoes or silly handbags. It's not a precaution, I'm just saying. NBA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I commend your Jesus like dedication to placing yourself squarely on the cross and not sending someone else to do your dirty work. We can find something else for the young buck to do to prove his worth, perhaps figure out a way to display the most recent comments on the blog in a handy sidebar on the left... I will add for posterities sake the cyber stalking was not an idea of mine, I was just offering a cyber stalker in the form of a young eager apprentice to save any of us from having to do anything. You say NBA sucks but you watched the game and enjoyed it didn’t you? Watch the hockey as well? Perhaps a Friday night game 7 get awesome Anti Penguins roast is in order…

  2. Wait, when you say "Boogers McRib," don't you mean my friend Kyle????

  3. I just farted and it smells so bad. I think I cleared cubicles in at least a 5-6 cubicle radius around my own.

  4. I'm going to need to see a picture of the empty cubicles...

  5. Maybe he can figure out a way to edit a comment after posting? I have had to delete the only two I made before this to remove incriminating evidence
