Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Hottie: Kate Beckinsale

This chick's props are so long overdue, I almost feel bad throwing it down for her. Underworld really sucked, but it does have obscene blood in portions that made it pretty enjoyable. I never would have even considered wasting those two hours four times, if this blessed piece of awesome hadn't graced the screen. SS, keep your greasy flies on the ass-photo shoppin' paws of my main squeeze, aight? Happy Friday, Jackals. And to you, Ms. Beckinsale. Arf.


  1. P.S. I couldn't post over Kate and her sweet sweet tookus, but is this guy BD2'shero

  2. what the hell FT sucks pink ass newspaper is GAF...

    "You have viewed your 30 days allowance of 1 free article. If you wish to view more, you can register for free by clicking on the button below."

  3. soo hot want to touch the hiney.

  4. first comment - Tico-esque
    second comment - coherent

    I know right?!? How did it take this many Fridays to get her sweet British ass in the Den?

  5. "what the hell FT sucks pink ass newspaper is GAF..." I was in a Ticoesque rage. Financial times requires a subscription to view more than one article in 30 days... fucking communist british go fuck yourself newspaper printed on ugly ass pink paper can suck my left nut

  6. it's about time this kennel put someone more worthy in on a friday
