Monday, June 8, 2009

Jackal Childhood Memories: Pink Elephants

So I couldn't find the original of this because Disney is now the giant gay clone corporation churning out mindless CGI entertainment for the masses, but there was a when Disney was churning out some seriously Jackal material.  I can remember this scaring the living UNF out of me as a kid.  Baby Jackaline will be watching this as soon as she is old enough, in my case that was three years old.  With assistance from outside substances you can still capture its awesomeness today.  I mean really they got so drunk they saw this?? Where can I sign up?


  1. For real! I think whoever drew that elephants cartoon died shortly thereafter from scratching their itchy eyeballs with razor blades.

    This too:

  2. agreed. that joint was both awesome and scary as fuck. note to self, buy this dvd, bring this dvd, and play this scene on loop at the next mancation.

  3. I think I have it. College was a crazy time. The Pink Elephants are even crazier under the influence.
