Monday, June 8, 2009

Gay Clone of the Day: Roger Federer

I am not sure how this sport beacame popular. Well at least men's tennis that is, women's tennis makes complete sense especially when talking about talent. But come on...who watches this shit?? NBA is rigged and has no emotion and Hockey is GAF, but at least they are manly talents. Jumping around like a fag after winning your "match" only proves further that tennis is the be all end all of lame sports, save UFC which is a another discussion for another time. Congrats Roger, you are the winner of the whole lot of suck of the day award.


  1. Agreed. This joint was on yesterday morning and if I had not been out getting awesome on the basketball court I would've thought "this is mildly less entertaining than Meet the Press".

  2. Side Note: See how NASCAR wasn't mentioned? Ball Deep likes that shit and is therefore redneck as fuck...

  3. no nascar sucks too. I did leave off cycling, F1 and a few other questionable sports I enjoy however.

  4. I'll admit it: The Nadal/Federer thing has gotten me interested in tennis. I can understand how people might think it's incredibly lame though.

    Hey, remember high school when BDeep hated all sports but loved Nascar and that other Indy 500 one? GAF.*

    *Note the wording such that Nascar, et al are not included in "sports".

  5. did you just say you liked cycling? (jaw hits the floor due to gay clone shock)

  6. when did this turn into gay confessions?? Federer is the gay clone not me. So I like to take my shirt off and relax after a long bike ride sometimes....who doesn't?? i'm just sayin'

  7. Are you saying you ride a bike or watch other dudes in spandex on tv riding a bike? please clarify your cloneness.

  8. I ride a bike, and I watch the Tour de France on occasion. If you don't think the Tour is Jackal, please review the tale of Tommy Simpson. (Wikipedia it I'm too lazy to put a link) He drank Brandy while racing on the tour and raced until it literally killed him. Let's see Roger try that.

  9. I don't need Wikipedia. Remember 3 weeks ago. VoiceMail and I almost killed ourselves having a slam dunk contest where the dunks involved pounding beers mid dunk. I don't read about Jackal, I live it.

    I think watching dudes riding bikes is GAF but I'm willing to drop it since you are the current Jackalsunf posting MVP.
