So you've bypassed your usual Saturday yard work, car washing and luckily your wife decided she didn't need to go shopping with all of your money. You think, "Why don't I go all out for a vodka tasting?" Flat fee, flavored vodka, food to soak your booze. Good stuff, right? Wrong! Unless you're Russian, or an unflappable high school junior, splitting a handle with your lacrosse buddies, you can't handle vodka. Not in the midddle of the fucking afternoon. Of course, if your libations are intended to salute hardcore, toothless motherfuckers, passing out, angry expressions and eyebrows/hitler mustaches of chicken skins are to be expected.
Under the guise of tantalizing flavors, the odorless spirit stalks you. Aside, why is bacon so fucking hip right now? If you ask me, the only worthy advancement should be in the direction of making bacon healthy and still tasty. So bacon lovers can continue to adorn their meats and cheeses with 'ye olde fat of back', without catching shit from which ever harbinger of estrogenic buzz killery happens to be sqwaking nearby. Furthermore, nothing truly jackal was ever referred to with the word "essence". The one exception is UNEssence, the aroma of Jackals, soon to be released at cosmetic counters/department stores worldwide. This shit smells like malt liquor, cigar smoke, baby hatred, butt sweat, and the old Head and Shoulders/Selsun Blue. Bitches and cougars alike will be jocking your nuts like Wilford Brimley on a box of Swedish Fish.
So once you see daylight again, the vodka realizes you're attempting to thwart its influence and possibly operate a motor vehicle. Not only is this behavior skrimpish and unjackular, it is a severe health hazard. Let's portend the departure is further complicated by an hour's transit to the nearby, or not so nearby capital of this great nation. Well, friend at that point, you may find yourself verbally meandering for excuses to dodge your evening's plans hurling fecal matter and marking territory with streams of pee. Like a janitor fumbling for a single key in his enormous collection, they spew out, "I think I'll watch the hockey game, I'm in need of a motivational speech, Stomp the Yard in HD, my wife had to go to the emergency room..." Then my friend, once bitch juice runneth over thy cup, resistance is futile. At this point, one may find oneself hanging up on a fellow jackal. Mistake not, this is the "essence" of skrimpture.
Boogers McRib's opinions are consistent with those of Any behavior such as that described above is strictly prohibited by self-proclaimed jackals.
CTB Show 527: Five to Ten Dads
2 days ago
holy shit that was awesome
ReplyDeleteThat was the most stirring tribute to incoherence since "I really almost spilled my cereal on a cup at work because of this thread" or possibly even "I am not breating right now and my die at my desk. it was wroth it."
ReplyDeleteAnd yet oddly also funny. Nice work.
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. rebuttals I have three, in the verse of a soliloquy.
ReplyDelete#1, young son. My wife drove, drive i did not. your cup overflowith alright, with bullshit and snot.
#2, foolish shrew. no hang up was enacted, my cell phone reception merely retracted.
#3 you see, the bitch out was mutual and bilateral. you yourself said it was for the best, you had to get up at 7am to work on the sabbathical.
nice retort!
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT. here's the thought that came to mind.
ReplyDeleteon the initial post or the rebuttal?
ReplyDeleteI find it unbelievable that while the rest of you were bullshitting around your houses doing GAF whatever Saturday and I was out getting awesome somehow I end up catching UNF.
as an aside, see Peyton Manning in the left corner of that pic? also the look on all the Dook fans is priceless....
Rebuttal, without a doubt.
ReplyDeleteThat does look like Peyton Manning! It's really just an awesome pic. The way the rim is bent down with the net up in the air, his legs splayed out to the side so you can see Paulus reaching up to grab at his johnson as he falls down... Priceless. I wonder who that dude is that's framed between the three players, and looks totally unfazed by what's unfolding before him, like "yeah, Greg Paulus playing defense on a fast break...saw that coming".
head licking faces and now admiring pictures with guys dicks in other guys face? i'm just sayin'
ReplyDeleteI guess in the interest of fairness we should also note THAT YOU WENT TO FUCKING VIRGINIA TECH YOU FRONT RUNNING GAY ASS CLONE!
ReplyDeleteFine. I felt like the retort deserved a dunk & Deron Washington laid the ball in the two times he hurdled Paulus.
ReplyDeletehahahaha freaking amazing