Wednesday, July 1, 2009

GCOTD: NJ State Police and DMV

min 2:16....priceless

The den has been infiltrated!! I think these Jersey gay clones must have heard me bashing their state the other week because I got pulled over this morning. Got me for 69 in a 55 mph zone. Good news for me is that he pulled me over as I was decelerating because he could have gotten me for triple digits a few miles up the road (snicker), but I digress.

To make matters worse, my license expired yesterday, so I have to go and get that renewed. Due to the fact that the state deficit is bigger than some countries annual budget, the DMV is only open during the week, which means I have to go on my lunch break. I tried to go today, walked in to the local cesspool of society a.k.a. DMV and then directly back out again because I like money and I need my job to get it and I could have spent the entire afternoon there.

These Jersey muthafuckas are holdin' a jackal down. I may do some texting while driving on the way home as a little retaliation.


  1. Could be worse. Your employer could be attempting to block the den...

  2. wha wha what?? you are getting blocked?

  3. Yeah. I'm working on a work around...

  4. i'm telling you excel spreadsheet background....problem solved.

  5. I'm also busy as fuck... but next week my boss is out of town and I'm taking over all his shit which means nothing but call mother fuckers mother fucker and feet on the desk for this guy!
