Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bacon Tuxedo Anyone?

I don't have much to say other then I have seen some love of bacon from everyone (especially Lee with the Bacon vodka)!!! How much would you love to see A.G. in this for a good long night just like when he lost a bet and wore the pink jumpsuit!!!

Place to buy the tuxedo:


  1. Yeah, the night he "lost a bet". Sure...

    Note to Ball Deep, if you bring your child or brother in law over dressed in bacon I can't be hel responsible for my dog eating them or me tossing them in a frying pan.

  2. amazing, but remove the name in your post and use a hyperlink before Head bitches you out.

  3. Dude, fuck Pontius - I hope his employer sees this shit. And I'm not interested in a bacon tuxedo for at least another couple years, so I don't need no stinkin link.

  4. " for at least another couple years" is this a declaration of future bacon eating?!?!?!?!?
