Friday, June 12, 2009

What do you think?

I couldn't get that Anubis motherfucker in there for the K because he's only black and white and the red looks better. Also, the site is black so a white background looks stupid. When I have some more time, I'll trace it and change the color. Here's a low-quality version of the flash I made.



  1. Also, the blog page shaved the right side off, but you get the idea.

  2. badass.. nice work. I dig it! One recommendation though can we get rid of the since 2009? While technically true for the blog we have been rocking this shit from the cradle to the grave. Awesome work Aldente.

  3. Am i the only one who had a vision of this being played on a giant LCD Screen in front of a bar??

  4. I gotta see Anubis, figure out a way to photoshop him reverse osmosis into red or something... I'll search the web for him in red... If no Anubis can some badass Jackals run around on it or something?

  5. Give a mouse a cookie, he'll ask for a glass of milk.

  6. I'm not opposed to keeping it OJ. I like it gutter.

  7. Ask Fanelle for a favor, he'll make you wish you hadn't. I think it sucks.

  8. What are you talking about? Who asked me for a favor? And what happened to the Jackal Handles? Creel?

  9. I think this would be 10 times better if you just cut off the beginning. Make it HOOOWWWWWL then show the banner. Simple and badass.
