Tuesday, June 30, 2009

America, FUCK YEAH!!

Suck on that France. Bitches. Guess our soccer team doesn't look that shitty after all compared to the rest of the worlds football teams.

America. Fuck Yeah. Baleeve it.


  1. Do you realize that you put the BBQ link for this story?? Let me help you.

  2. I can't possibly imagine why we're supposed to care about this? Should I post about it when I beat my grandmother in arm wresting or any of us were to out jackal Pontius? Awesome, still got to sneak in a burn on the pontius.

  3. Well. The way I see it we care about soccer as much as the rest of the world cares about football. A goal is about equal to a touchdown or at least equal to ten points. MerCa isn't losing to any bitch ass country 10-0 in soccer. +1 Merca
