Thursday, January 14, 2010

Video Game Awesomeness

If anyone is a gamer at all please see the below awesome image of every console ever made!

If you visit the following link - Give time for the page to load and then you can click on each console to look at what it is/was.


  1. You 100% in for Saturday? If so bring PS3 controllers and any games awesome to play 2 on 2 after we all get shitbombed. I got hockey and football and 2 controllers covered. Nerd talk over.

  2. And I'm the clone...fucking geeks man!

  3. "And I'm the clone...fucking geeks man!" = "All I got for XMas was a couple of sweaters and a tie and some stupid shit for the house" = jealousy!

  4. Yeah, BD2, get those F-bombs out of your system before heading back to your "squeaky clean" blog. (cue the staff of Sunday NFL Countdown "Come on, man!")
