Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JOTD: SS on Assignment

Some jackals are tried and true. Some jackals get awesome in the face of GAFness. From time to time, you'll encounter a jackal so jackal, your own jackaldom is called into question. What follows is an actual transcript of the events of the pre-mission dossier:

me: called and confirmed
they didn't say "She's not in today"
you should be pretty golden
she's fucked
10:51 AM SS: ok, *$%@# street is it
me: yeah dude
SS: dont worry, i'm taking backup
me: oh my god
10:52 AM SS: ?
me: is it a step troop?
SS: oh, i wish
me: like in stomp the yard?
SS: nah, just people that wanna laugh
and grab lunch after
me: you could serve her literally and figuratively
SS: i will
ok, dope, i'll let you know what happens
10:53 AM me: fuck yeah
Jackals 4eva, indeed, SS, jackals 4eva indeed.


  1. well played indeed. Go Asleep Ho!!

  2. And the result was [drum roll].......


  3. Hey,

    I'm in! I enjoy putting my fist down in court. THEY CAN AND WILL HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! I'll do some research on "statement writing" then we should meet and discuss any necessary info before the court date...then get awesome.


    Shoulders confirmed service and added the recipient appeared quite nervous, for she thought dude was some sort of public official.
