Friday, July 24, 2009



  1. Shote??? is it really you??? This truly is an epic event!!!

    Please post more....tell us about a hot patient, or a hot nurse, or banging residents the way it is portrayed on lame ass hospital dramas on TV or whatever the hell doctors know about. I have no concept since I am a mere jackal in a cubicle.

  2. Sweet! I like the lube on the left and the tissues on the right...

    P.S. Wasn't that my brother's nickname though?
    P.P.S. Answer my email

  3. P.S. Try and talk my brother into hanging up network TV drama, for good. What are you parking in the batcave these days? Bruce? Wayne? Nes pa?

  4. PIZZA SLICE NICKELS! Don't y'all remember the pizza porno we made him get at the pack shack?

  5. Oh yeah!! That was some funny ass shit. Particularly because he was so upset about it...

  6. or like that time i ate a slice of pizza and then fucked that 80 year old guy in the ass in front of his kids.... what? he wanted me to do it!
