We've seen what happens when a couple of individuals are left to carry the weight of the many. I apologize, but one dude on my team at work has been out of the office, so I couldn't read the big, long, not funny posts this week, nor could I embark on historical, philosophical or ethical discussions of American history. That's right I checked the Den for my usual piques of interest: titties, fart jokes, gay clone-aversion, etc. Needless to say, what I found waiting for me in here left me feeling like this guy.
As soon as my office is back to full strength, skrimpture has got a new fuckin' boot on its ass. For now, SS is spitting hot fire. Y'all are suspect. Can you imagine if A Schwanz became the first jackal to go down in the line of duty? What if he posts Monday morning from the underside of a transvestite hooker's grundle?
CTB Show 527: Five to Ten Dads
1 day ago
Fine, I'll bite. Do you have this CD? Will you please get this CD and play it for me?