Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can't Say He Didn't Warn You...

The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.

"Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital 'pocket litter.'"


  1. Why do you care if Google has this information? What nefarious thing do you think they will do with it? I get people not digging on big brother and all but as and individual I don't really see how it would ever affect my life. Read all my emails and know what porn I looked at and know what I say to my girlfriend I don't really give a shit. Am I missing something?

  2. Why do you care if Google has this information? What nefarious thing do you think they will do with it? I get people not digging on big brother and all but as and individual I don't really see how it would ever affect my life. Read all my emails and know what porn I looked at and know what I say to my girlfriend I don't really give a shit. Am I missing something?

  3. Yes, you are missing the fundamental meaning of being an American. We set a system of checks and balances in place to limit government control, which is (wait for it) diametrically (there it is, 700 verbal SAT's bitch! Dont ax about my math do.) opposed to the monarchical system our founders came from. To say it doesnt matter what information Google collects is brash, at the least, and ignorant of your history as an American. Protection against private citizens privacy is one of the core principles of this country. (4th Amendment).

    Being an American means being free. Free to practice your religion, or lack thereof, and not be persecuted. Free to open a business and not be burdenend by taxes so overwhelming that an ordinary Joe Six Pack cant afford to do it. Free to post crazy shit on the internet and not worry about an oppressive government throwing you in prison for your ideas, thoughts, words.

    That is what makes our Constitution so great. Our founders knew the fundamental nature of civilized humans in politics, they just came from that shit, and developed a plan that is the fairest in the world. That limits humans basest nature to control and seek and expand power.

    Going against that, and collecting information on non-muslims, regular Americans, is scary. There is no judge issuing a warrant to allow it, no prosecutor presenting evidence for the reason for monitoring, just a blind, dumb, black hole that sucks your ideas, thoughts, and habits out of the ether, with no compelling reason.

    You should care SS. This is yet another example of a bloated central government out of control, and working against the will of the people.

    Remember, we dont work for the government. (At least us not in D.C.). THe government is supposed to work FOR us. Not against us. Not providing us with jobs, or to fix out economy, but to provide the base things most governments provide- law and order, military power, and to a lesser extent, infrastructure(highways, bridges, etc.)


  4. P.S., I get what you are saying SS, in that this probably wont affect you, or some people that you know in your normal, everyday life, but that shit is a slippery slope.

    Do you think the German Jews who fought in WW1 and voted for the Nationalist party, every thought the National Socialist party would turn on them?

  5. This is not Google I'm talking about.

  6. Haha, just got to RTB's 'non-Muslims'. Classic. For the record, it's fucked up and un-American they're monitoring anyone.

  7. I know, NSA. Although Google probably helps the .gov if they request it. Haha, I got to slip in my crazy shit.

  8. Boogers is so fired up he don't even finish reading the comment before he gets his rebuttals on.

    And RTB is so fired up he gave a serious Constitutional Smackdown to Scar-Am I missing something-Shoulders.
