Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hobo with a Shotgun

I find myself becoming more and more of a fan of movies with descriptive title. Hot Tub Time Machine, Snakes on a Plane, and now this one- Hobo with a Shotgun.

It doesn't explore any dystopian ideas about society, or social mores, it just plan kicks ass, with you guessed it, a hobo with a shotgun. Highly recommended.


  1. Where does he get his shells? The Salvation Army? How can you say there's no social commentary? Still looks pretty awesome.

    I want to go see Shark Night in 3D
    after drinking about 27 beers. Who's with me? Oh yeah, when I brought that up yesterday, I was told about Sharktopus.

  2. Don't worry where dude gets his shells BMR!
    Shotgun shells are cheap anyhow. All it says is Hobo with Shotgun, it don't say HOBO WITH LOADED SHOTGUN!

    Gotta say for real this shit is ridiculous in my eyes. The Saw movies were fucked up just to be fucked up and this is just trying to outdo those bullshit movies. And then people wonder why we got a million psychopathic dsyfucntional retards running around this world.

    Wouldn't watch this or them silly Shark Movies if ya paid me. Fuck hollywood bullshit.

    BMR was kinda right in questioning the fact that there is no social commentary. Thing is that we are WAY beyond the point of that now. The commentary has been made long ago (thinking when they made Predator or Terminator perhaps) and it says we are a fucked up violent society and we like it that way. Violence sells (and fake ass violence at that) and that is kind of sad if you ask me. Funny thing is if the stupid ass people who watch this shit were to see some REAL violence they'd probably shit in their pants. For real.........

    Sorry for the rant but I got one wild and crazy bus route this year (lots of loud screaming buggers) and I got some tension built up inside as a result. Ahhhhh....

  3. Sounds like an almost hobo alaskan needs a shotgun....
