Friday, April 15, 2011

Eye for an eye right???

This one's for you Boogers. I thought your laser was for shooting large objects i.e. planes boats etc etc. This laser is for blinding civilians and also works against pirates. Man these pirates got people sweating. Non lethal right? Well guess so but you might be blind for a few days.

But look you fucking retards, the pirates are ready for this one. Know what that patch over there eye is for? Well its there back up eye and they can see through the patch. Blind 'em in one eye, they flip the patch off and put a sword through your gut. Pirates are smart like that, probably do drugs too.


  1. Holy fuck, I think I find you as funny as SS finds Tico. My face hurts. I really hadn't thought about sympathizing with the pirates, but I'm warming up to them. You really have to applaud them for keeping up with the times.

  2. Are you kidding? Sympathizing with the pirates? Where do I sign up?

    Pirates have no loyalty to country. Pirates stand united in freedom. Pirates have a code of honor on par with the Samurai. Pirates have declared war on the world. Pirates steal from the rich and keep it, fuck the damn poor. These are the realest damn motherfuckers EVER.

    Like I said, where do the Jackals Sign Up?
