Monday, March 28, 2011

Europe: Fuck Yeah

Fuck yeah.


  1. So so very unjackal. You my friend are too progressive for your own good. How the hell are you supposed to get around?

    Cars. Personal freedoms. 'Merica.

    Fuck Europe.

  2. This would make a great debate. Cars do allow personal freedom and this is a good thing. I like any and all freedom. And I most definitely love 'Merica.

    But on the other hand, 17 year old girls driving Chevy Tahoes to the Gap to buy shoes is not a wise use of the worlds limited amount of petroleum.

    Tough call, any way you look at it. Cars are fun to drive and pickup trucks are very helpful work vehicles but they are destroying (along with a number of other things) our one and only ecosystem.

    One thing about the article though: 2050 is a long way off. Lot can happen between then and now.

  3. Not to mention it is impossible and ridiculous. We needs a better way for sure though.

  4. I could walk in your house(not necessarily, but the place where you live), turn on the TV and show you at least three things you thought were impossible or ridiculous. Bug. Out. Bag.
