Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greetings, Head - Your Friends at Autotune the News

Welcome out from under the rock, dear friend. These puberty-stricken bastards and one hot chick are on to something.

By far, the funniest one right here:


  1. (1) Way to know about hilariousness and not post it. That's some good looking out, BMR.

    (2) You know what's awesome? Trying to watch Youtube videos that haven't been resized for the small-ass content column we have on the Den. It's great to not be able to see half the screen and also to not have access to the link in the bottom right-hand corner that would let me watch it on Youtube.

  2. You know what's obnoxious?

    1) When "smart people" don't have their ear to the grind stone of popular culture

    2) When "smart people" aren't aware highlighting the hyperlinked video title will take you to the YouTube page

    3) When "smart people" are too fuckin' lazy to absorb the general content and overarching theme before YouTube searching their damn selves. It's not like all 7 videos were made by the same four people with the same singular web page and YouTube channel

  3. 1) I only know what I see or hear about. Apparently Jackals were too clone to help me out there so someone else had to do it...

    2) Good to know

    3) Well obviously I could have found it myself if I wanted to. But it certainly would have been nice if I could have just watched it directly on the Jackalest site on the planet (and if said website wasn't amateured up by a half-dozen videos you could only half see)...

  4. (I would also add that a reasonable alternative would be to not have our columns be so fucking ridiculously narrow. But neither of us have control over that...)

  5. "(I would also add that a reasonable alternative would be to not have our columns be so fucking ridiculously narrow. But neither of us have control over that...)"
    and you never will you non mustache growing vagina mouths.
