Thursday, December 2, 2010


"Republicans, who won control of the House in the Nov. 2 election, have opposed legislative efforts to regulate carbon emissions as a tax on energy. When the panel convened today, Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said that the hearing “will be the last of the select committee.”

Oh, that should be effective. We should definitely put off resolving the climate issue and suck the oil teet for another decade or so. Sensenbrenner, could you BE more of a fat worthless fuck? What would your committee be about, should you start one? Cheese? Brett Favre? How you haven't seen your johnson since the series finale of 'Kojak'?

KFTC. I hope your arteries choke your fatass out.

1 comment:

  1. Alternative Energy solutions are important (duh) but while oil's titty is flowing we can't afford to switch entirely
