Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GCOTD Movie Edition: Cop Out

So it is possible to have a movie trailer composed entirely of famous quotes from other movies that DON'T completely suck ass.


  1. i saw a preview for this movie last night and it was the gayest thing i had seen on tv since the canadian hockey team or this fag jonny wier
    if youre gonna be a gay clone jonny you need to at least get a medal not get sixth

  2. Wow, you and SS really know your figure skating. I'm just sayin'.

  3. I can't believe how much Hollywood doesn't give a fuck anymore. They aren't even trying to be creative about ripping off old shit. The title is sort of fitting.

    Did you see they are remaking Robin Hood, Friday the 13th and a bunch of other shit that has already been done now with more CGI and more bullshit with the exact same title.

    go fuck yourself hollywood, you will not receive your $11 from me for shit. I am on a good streak. I haven't been to the movies since June of 2007 and counting.
