Friday, August 28, 2009

Why Redskins Sports Talk Radio is Hilarious

Just last night the conversation was "Would the Redskins give up their two young wideouts(Devin Thomas and  Malcom Kelly) plus a first round draft pick for the headache pictured above. I want the dude in purple and black, but Ozzie Newsome isn't dumb enough to sell the farm. Somehow, Redskins faithful are of the mind that a high profile receiver will solve all of their woes. "BMR, why are you listening to Redskins Radio?" Because football is so fucking close I can taste it. But Redskins Radio tastes like vegetarian chicken strips.


  1. The real question is would Denver wants the Wedskins garbage in the first place...

  2. You're both retarted. GO SKINS....

  3. You're first mistake was listening to talk radio. Your second and more egregious mistake was listening to local sports radio. Dem fools are dumb as fuck. Skins will be fine.

  4. Coach Jon has such a monotonous voice - his ass makes me wanna go asleep while I am driving. Need to bring back B Mitch to the program.
