Monday, August 17, 2009

Wedskins Fans Awe Scawed

Saturday night I attended an epic birthday celebration for one Voicemail Nuggets.

During said celebration I was fortunate enough to sit with Pontius and CCQQ99 problems. 99 was laughing at the awesomeness that was being gotten and exclaimed "I can't wait for football season!!" Apparently he is only allowed to get awesome for birthdays and football, but I digress...

Then unprompted he shouted "shut the fuck up Lee, fuck you!" At this time Pontius punched me in the arm and was all "Dont say anything"

SS "I didn't"

Pontius "I know just don't it's Voicemails birthday. Lets just agree to 'Go Terps'"

This we toasted too, before Pontius babble and pleaded more for me to not talk shit about his team.

Jesus the fear is pathetic, almost as pathetic as getting rolled up 23-0 by the Ravens while the drop 500 yards on your ass on national TV after all your dumb ass fans proclaimed you were headed to the Super Bowl and had a great defense.

You loser's watching Monday Night Football right now? You see how a REAL TEAM handles their fucking business? Panthers get the ball, 3 and out.

Giants get the ball and are driving to score and a BS penalty call takes it away from them.

1 first down and punt for Panthers.

Giants march down the field for a TD.

That's how you handle your business and put in work.

and Zorn is a gay clone if I ever have seen one.


ps any jackal that wants to put a bottle of black label on the skins/giants game week one, bring it on


  1. A well thought out and persuasive retort indeed. . .

  2. At the very least, when our players are shot in the leg it's someone else's doing...

  3. Daniel Snyder = Peter Angelos. Discuss.

  4. I have to give Snyder a little bit more props than Angelos and this is why. Snyder has 95,000 morons fooled into buying overpriced season tickets to watch his crappy team. Snyder also controls so much of the media around this city that he has another 400,000 convinced the Wedskins will win the Super Bowl each and every year. He's a master of getting fools to drink the Kool Aid. Angelos doesn't possess this gift which keeps his team super profitable.

  5. Is that a picture of my nephew? That looks like the offspring of one, burgundy and gold bleeding Ol' Filthy. Did you mean to say "screwed"? Or was it "scawed" as in "scawed shoulders"? I'm sure Eli gets slapped with a big ass franchise quarterback salary and comes away from the season unscathed. Right? Right...?

  6. You'd think "Weskins Fans Awe" would have been a clue to that...

  7. Yes, but didn't Angelos steal a big chunk of the Nationals' TV revenue? That's not bad work. Also, he's finally embraced rebuilding, which has the Orioles assembling talent that could actually make them a possible postseason threat in the next few years. As opposed to Snyder, who always seems to go for it every year, which in the NFL means that you might win a wild card ever now and then, but aren't a real Super Bowl contender...

  8. 'll be watching the Redskins week 1 victory at Giants stadium with Ed " is that a Calvin Klein bra you're wearing" Bert...the streets will run red with Manning's blood.

    PS I'm back bitches.

  9. YES! Creel gets to watch the game in person and be disappointed and taunted by CKBra, I love it. Getting my shit talking textin finger ready.
