Monday, July 13, 2009

Cancelled post


  1. A per Tico's reasoning, plus you don't even have to reciprocate.

    The only potential pitfall is if the lack of vagina means that she wouldn't be interested at all. In this case, I assume that B would provide more sustenance when killed & eaten.

  2. In the words of Lee Corso... Not so fast sweetheart! Doesn't the pituitary which is located in the bainr control the sex drive? Having a vagina or no vagina makes no difference. She'd just feel all itchy but not know how to scratch it. Enter Troy McClure into the aquarium...

  3. Wait, I'm confused. Do lady fish not have any lady parts or just not human lady parts? Cause I don't know if you remember your early encounters with human lady parts as a young man, but I'm pretty sure my first reactions were "that thing is weird and kinda gross". I'm just saying, it was an acquired taste at 15, I'm sure I could acquire it again at 30. Specially if the top half looked like the young lady in this picture. I'll take A all the way.

  4. In summation:
    - A is the consensus choice
    - Troy McClure would agree for different reasons (excellent Simpsons reference BTW, SS)
    - KOTJ: "I'm Troy McClure"
