Sunday, June 7, 2009

PLompton "Labor" Day 2008 Recap

So since this blog is like 3 years over due, we have some catching up to do.  Let me bring you all up to speed on last year's Labor Day weekend a.k.a PLompton Day.  Consisted of yep you guessed it general getting awesome, assorted cooked meats, making uncomfortable of neighbors and other invited guests of my wife, and oh yeah competitive events such as beer swimming (see video), car chasing, and joke pounding (this needs some explanation, Scar Shoulders could tell you better, but basically using the same joke over and over and over again well beyond the point of funny, but then becomes funny in a whole new way because you realize that no one thinks it funny but that just fuels it to continue.  BAALLEEEVEE ITT!!)

See some photos of the amazing event below:

Coming back from the amazingly Patriotic fireworks display.  "Take that Iraq!  American Thunder!"
Grilling up a giant sausage, dogs and burgers on the world's shittiest grill.

The Spoils of Labor
Rockin' the Skins shoes
Wait for it...wait for it..... FUCK YO SHIT!!

Preparing for the Olympic swim.

The main event:

See you all next year...

PS this is the official announcement for this summer as there were many Jackals not present, but fear not we represented in your absence.  Mark your calendars.


  1. Ball Deep! Putting in work late night Sunday night, well played!

    I would like to officially file a protest as Droppa Duece was clearly in my lane. I think he may have paid off the camera woman who conveniently takes a shot of the crowd as he cuts me off 2 meters from the finish line.

    I would also like to note that Kim Jung Il, Brother Ali, Sadam Hussein, Barack Obama, Yousef Islam, and Muhammad Ali all better watch their God damn no od having backs! This is Merca God damnit! This ain't no Jalalabad!

  2. Seeing how I am straight outta Plompton, I need to go to the next one. Let a brother know when!

  3. Is T Large someone other than who I think it is? Or is it who I think it is embracing his dirty jerse roots?

  4. yeah i am confused too. T-Large who are you? give a hint.

  5. The hint is all in the name. T. my name begins with this letter. Large. I am large.

  6. was a little slow this morning....too much cougar piss last night
