Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Keeping It Jackal: Toddler Thunderdome

Is there anything more ghetto than this?

“Clearly one of the children is crying and does not want to continue on and he is pushed back into the fray by one of the adults,” Dover Police Captain Tim Stump said.


  1. DAMN YOU MCRIB!!! I was logging into the Den to post about this. I was considering calling it JOTF? Jackal or Too Far? a new feature on the Den...

  2. Next thing you know we'll be saying his name three times in the mirror. Rednecks be some dumb muthafuckers.

  3. Fat chance of them pulling off the mission without Boogers McRib busting out his compass and triangulating that bamas position!

  4. Run and tell that. It ain't my fault, Al Can'tGetLaida. Two tap, bitch!
