Wednesday, July 4, 2012

best modern (1900-present) prez ever

"Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should."- President Ronald Wilson Reagan my other post had pictures of beer can American flags. just google search for em.


  1. What a fag! You know we were on track to getting the fuck off of oil until that shithead. "His policies included the largest tax cut in American history, as well as increased defense spending." KFTC, RTB. Most of the crap you come up with sounds like a really bad joke. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure those are your political views and they're consistent with a substantial portion of American voters. Fucking sad shit.

  2. Don't kid yourself Boogers, we weren't ever on any track to "get the fuck off oil".

    And if RTB bought the GOP agenda hook line and sinker then it sure sounds like you got your liberal underwear all up in a bunch. Lol, me I don't give two shits which party is in office b/c deep down I know they are all the same crooked politicians going in and out the revolving door....

    Besides I rate presidents based on their sexual conquests in office, which puts Reagan in a tie for third. JFK is number one, I think we all know the reason why. Clinton places second, I think we all know why. And fuck, I don't know shit 'bout the rest of them so they all come in last. Fuck Reagan, wanna-be hollywood actor, didn't his wife come up with the just say no shit? Fuck 'em one extra time for that bullshit!

  3. wow, calling me a fag because I like a president for his jeffersonian beliefs and because he brought our country around after carter (the first Obama) brought our country's economy to a screeching halt because of his oil policies. yep, sounds like you really questioned the stuff they taught you in school, libtard.

    that largest tax cut was the best thing he could have done to stimulate the economy after years of stagnation. companies started hiring again, because they had incentive to do business free from .gov regulations and taxations.
    why is that bad?

    also, we were never getting off of oil. kftc BMR. what's scary is that more people think like you, than me. not enough Americans question the poison and unnatural liberal ideas taught to them their whole lives and reinforced thru MSM.

    for the record, I believe in the Constitution, and for conserving its ideals as much as possible, and not perverting it for European socialist idealogies, so I side with the party that most respects that.

  4. I was calling Reagan a fag. Sorry, beast. I know where you stand. bhmf is the only one that gets it. The whole shit show is rigged and we're gettin' the slim end of pickins. Reagan was a total wanker though.

  5. America Reagan wanted to make faggy ass Great Bitain and he wanted to be the fucking King. Worthless sham puppet fucking president who made the rich richer and the poor poorer. And his movies suck balls. And his wife was fucking ugly. Basically The Arnold with a less funny ccent 20 years earlier who was lucky enough to be born in America so he could fuck it up with his 6th grade understanding of the world. He's much more GCOTD material than JOTD. Hi bitches, Uncle Richies back and schools in session…
