Friday, April 20, 2012

A little inspiration for the Boogers Man!!!

Life gives you lemons then you gotta make lemonade. Roll with the punches ninja...........


  1. I just realized this but, its 4/20 bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Get HIGH!!!!!!! Right now, I mean it, get high!!!! It is your duty to Anubis and Cannabis!!!!! BHMF will start it off, puff puff pass my ninjas.

    I know BMR's with me on this, and RTB you probably still got the swhag I gave you four years ago!!! Toke it up

  2. Haha! "Fuck them godddamn lights! Spoken like a true genius. Happy 4/20 indeed! Let me up in that cypher, bhmf!

  3. P.S. This sucks. I was trying to convince myself it was trending the opposite direction.
