Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Earliest Jackals: Chimps

Chimps keep it so jackal, yo! The first ones to UNF, son!

"I’ve never in my life seen a chimp be given a banana for throwing s–t at someone...”


  1. Did you read the comments? Dem shits is funny...........ironic in a way though b/c a really good book I have been reading is touching on this subject. Fascinating to think the ability to throw started the ball rolling towards language, speech, agriculture, civilization, and now THIS!

  2. Throwing shit at people means you are smart. We all know that.

    "Well, if peeing your pants is cool, you can call me Miles Davis" - old lady from Billy Madison/some Adam Sandler movie.

  3. This is unequivocally the funniest photo ever posted in the Den, is it not?

  4. Alright I'll give your gangsta chimp 2nd.
