Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wailing Souls= Sublime Roots

Yes, DPA's have been consumed. Yes, Sublime videos be watched on utizzle. So, OBD is ready to drop a lil Sublime knowledge. Sublime's "Pawnshop" is a cover of the Wailing Souls' (note the appropriate apostrophe action) (busting some alliteration in this bitch as well) "War deh the john shop", which I have screened, but I like their mashup of the original with a lil bit of Sublime (mainly just changing john shop (don't axe me wtf that crazy jamaican shit is) to pawn shop). ,


  1. Good looks, that's one of my favorites. I'll definitely give Wailing Souls' a listen. Dale's is expensive, right? SS's old house had this liquor store and this guy would sell me cases, CASES for $19. We tried to play Wizards with DPA one time. I got to my waist.

  2. Boogers you need to buy some mo of them $19 cases and bring them my way. That would be some good looking out.

    Wailing Souls is banging! Almost redeems you from that last godawful Tommy Hilfilger band you posted.

  3. I wonder what 'Wailing Souls' thinks about Pepper. Pfft.

  4. Yo, they saying the Pepper got some spice on it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah, put a last name in that comment. Meant to say don't scream it to TLarge but I wasn't crazy about Owen Brown's sound either. White guys and reggae can get out of our hand.

  7. i like sublime's version better.
