Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jackal Coping Mechanisms: Fake Bedtime Stories

I can't really relate to the hardships of parenting, otherwise I'd probably make Adam Mansbach Jackal of the Day. Actually, fuck it, nobody else comes to mind.

"But as any good fiction teacher will tell you, you’ve gotta write what you know. And last summer, Mansbach knew that it was taking for-freaking-ever to get his 2-year-old daughter, Vivien, to go the f@#ck to sleep. He posted an exasperated lament on Facebook, and his friends told him to write a book. So he did."

1 comment:

  1. Man no one commented on this???? This is the funniest shit to date!!!!!

    Yeah either give the kid some Nyquil or a sip of brandy or just give up all hope. When kids don't want to sleep it just ain't gonna happen. Bedtime sucks!

    Side note: why is the use of "Fockers" or "Fok" acceptable when everyone knows what is meant is FUCK!?! Why ? How ??? Why not have the balls to title the book: "GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP". I say just another sign our society is FUCKED up in the HEAD.

    FUCK is FUCK whether it is FOCK or FOK or PHUCK? Am i write hear or am i Wright?

