Monday, April 25, 2011

GC(s)OTD: Al Qaeda

According to documents, to avoid the distraction of women, he “reportedly received injections to promote impotence and recommended the injections to others so more time could be spent on the jihad.”

What a fag.

Then there's the story of these fucking cowards:
When Ramzi Binalshibh, a key liaison between the Sept. 11 hijackers and al-Qaeda, was arrested at a safe house in Karachi on the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, there was a four-hour standoff while the Yemeni and two others held knives to their own throats and threatened to kill themselves rather than be taken.


  1. “reportedly received injections to promote impotence and recommended the injections to others so more time could be spent on the jihad."-----Good, lets hope this catches on in the other religions. Minus the jihad part. But seriously at least they are honest about the jihad and wanting to kill infidels. Honesty goes along way.

    WTF is that Computarded shit??? Actually nevermind I don't want to know? And to belabor this point what the fuck does it have to do with fag jihadis??? What in the fuck?? Your mind is scattered, scrambled even, like eggs in a pan, like a drug commercial of yesteryear....

  2. You didn't even address my favorite tag, "AL CAN'T GET LAIDA". Come on, ninja, that shit is funny.

  3. I didn't even read the fucking tags on this one. My bad. I was just staring at that doofy looking Jesus wanna be in the picture and imagining him blowing himself up somewhere in a vacuum along with the rest of his kind.

    Kinda funny how they don't understand evolution. Want to blow themselves up and make themselves impotent in the mean time. Guess they got the short end of the Darwin stick huh?
