Thursday, March 3, 2011

R.I.P.: White Supremacist Leader

“He was the kind of guy who could and did get along with everyone,” said Bill Roper, head of Arkansas-based White Revolution.

Well, not everyone.


  1. Boogers done gone mobile. Now he is gone crazy. Three posts, slow your roll ninja.

    Let me help out a little here. I may not be mobile, but if you can manage three posts then I can manage three comments unlike some other sleepy jackals I know.

    Besides someone's gotta sweep up behind your lazy ass.

    Okay lets see: Karma. Dude's name is Lynch right? Come on now, make that leap, okay? There you go! They shoulda hung this fucker.

    And his girlfriend only got shot in the leg? WTF? If you are gonna do a it right.

  2. So, you're a big fan of puns?

    Way to rep the Den, yo. bhmf and BMR hold a motherfucker down. We practically 'Live This Shit'.
