Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Repost: Deservedly So


  1. My first thought when I heard about the Japan earthquake was, "Oh Shit, this is going to play right into the hands of the 2012 end of the world knuckleheads."

    I can't read the damn subtitles because the fucking video is cropped, Jesus Christ! Let the fucking world end, I can't watch my video right, then fuck it. Just fuck it. Goddamn Indian know it alls. 2012 blah blah blah!

    Did you watch the video with the guy in the long white beard that says 2012 explained? We'd be doing the earth a favor if we all perished a year from now. If only the earth were so lucky................

  2. The subtitles are for any Hopi indians that happen to be watching, you're not missing anything. If you're ever unsatisfied with how a video appears in the Den, move your mouse over the title in the top left and you'll get a hyperlink that sends you to YouTube and you'll see the full version. The whole point of this post is that it's not an "end". You get that, right? 2012 is so real, son. Not an apocalypse, but crazy, biblical-scale shit. If you live through it, you'll have some crazy stories...

  3. I read and interpreted that Hopi Indian shit man. Ok first video, got it. Second video has "English Subtitles" and its about some crazy Mayan type shit!

    You think I can translate Mayan? Goddamn it you fool.........

    Thanks I will never be unsatisfied again, I swear.........and this is the end..........beautiful friend...........this is the end.
