Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boogers' Wide World of Sports

Stop me if I'm reading too much into this, but how can this go on peacefully on one side of the world, while this goes on on the other? 'Merica got itself some issues.


  1. It's not that you are reading too much into it, its just that you don't understand.

    I thought you watched hockey???? What don't you get???

    I am not claiming to understand cricket or anything but its FUCKING HOCKEY DUDE!!!

    People get checked, people get tripped, poked, slashed, gouged, forearmed, high sticked to the grill, cross checked and everything in between. And sometimes some asshole does it when the ref ain't looking. So they settle it with their fists, the good 'ol fashioned 'Merican Way!!!!

    As long as the parents don't get into it, whats the big deal? That is what the penalty box is for!!!

    Oh yeah and you were talking about Pakistan and India and peace before that right??????

    Before post, moderate toke, after post, excess toke. Okay repeat after me.......fucking ninja don't know hockey fights????????

  2. I guess my point was that the hockey teams live in the same state, which means they are obviously not bordering on nuclear war with the opposition. I just think it's kind of cool that Pakistan and India can play a game, at odds politically, with their respective prime ministers watching the game together, the opponent emerging victorious, and there were no incidences of violence. Merely an observation. Cricket is GAF. You gotta know what a crumpet is if you're gonna play cricket.

  3. All wrong man. Better to fight it out on the court/rink/ring/whatever and live side by side peacefully than play nice in sports and nuc each other later. Think about it!

    You say there were no incidents of violence, but you forgot the "YET" part of that statement!!! It only takes one push of a button to blow your feel good story right apart!

    As for the baseball fans, I don't know what is wrong with them. The only sport out there that is more boring is golf or bowling or something. People need shit to fight over. If it ain't religion, sports will do.....
