Thursday, January 20, 2011

NOOOOO! Not the Good News!

Oh yes. The good news. Quick, Fox News, drum up some catastrophe!


  1. Jobless claims, unemployment numbers, said the other day was a slow day in the den.

    Well shit, if it weren't for all these fools gambling away their hard earned money on college BBall, we wouldn't have any excitement around here.

    Make that shit Five HUNDRED, or at least one G, you gotta compensate for inflation. What's it matter to Tico, don't sound like he's gonna pay anyway. You need a trusted source to hold this money pre-game so no one gets cold feet. And fuck giving over/under points, that is some wack shit.............

    TERPS gonna fuck der shit up son!

  2. bhmf, you could play the role of the optimist and recognize that tomorrow's Friday. We have something of a tradition around here...

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww shit, Friday hottie's in the house......

    I am the quintessential optimist man, TODAY is Friday. For me at least, no school tomorrow so fuck y'all. I am gone, three day weekend.

  4. Somehow, you also managed to scroll right past Rush Limbaugh almost having a coronary while impersonating the Chinese president. That cracker must pop a shit ton of opiates to think that's an okay thing to do on nationally-syndicated radio.
