Friday, May 14, 2010

BallDeep Is About To Be Fired the Fuck Up: Wall Street sequel

I wasn't crazy about the first one, but it did provide this gem. BD2x on the other hand, he reps the movie Wall Street like Rusty T. reps Alex Jones. However, when you move to NYC(ahem or Jersey) and you're fed to the "financial services" industry, it's pretty much required viewing. As for sequels, fuck it, I 'm not going into sequels, but Shia LaBeouf is a clone ass motherfucker. The fact that his last name is any kind of French really counts against him, but the name Shia sounds like a house cat. Hey LaBeouf family, KFTC.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to see it guarunteed but only to stay abreast of the latest hollywoodization of my industry. It is much sexier than the reality. The first one is fucking priceless and required viewing in the biz for sure. But damnit why the hell did the golden boy get another part? Shia Labooof is too sucking off hollywood producers what lawrence taylor is to sleep with underage hookers
