Thursday, October 28, 2010

GCOTD: Pregnant people

Fuck. Head feels me. Tico feels me. The rest of you will someday feel me. Pregnancy is no joke. Hormones are running my life. please god...kill me. kill me dead.


  1. Whew. Sorry, brah. Sounds like you need to mancation. I have one question, how did you so flawlessly photoshop Donald Trump's hair onto Arnold on the surface of Mars in Total Recall?

  2. Hey Boogers. I just saw three nipples. I have now told you. Protocol has been followed.

  3. Psst, Shouldas, one of them titties is fake, yo. It's called "special effects". You saw two nipples, two bare breasts and a titty divider/artificial third breast.

    "You're makin' me wish I had three hands."

    and Tico's soon-to-be line in real life:

    "Man, I got five kids to feed!"
