Tuesday, May 18, 2010

GCOTD: Brit Hume and FOX News

Wow really? You are really this stupid, huh?

What the fuck are you assholes talking about??!?!?!

Apparently you have to watch news from other countries to see what is really going on:

BMR, I wonder what India is like this time of year? Maybe we should consider exile there. The Beatles seemed to dig it.


  1. I don't know, BD2x, India's in bad shape. I've never been to Music City U.S.A.. Drought in one place, flooding in another... what could be causing this? Clone on, Brit. Clone on.

  2. This is enough to make your blood boil.

  3. Up until it hit the white folks this shit might have been naturally 'absorbed' in the ocean. Shit might start to get real for Rush and the Gang. Do you think Rush has any property out there?
