Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Hottie: Anja Rubik


  1. dude you could break her arms with your pinkies, unless of course you are the same build, in which case you could still break her arms with your pinkies. not who i want taking care of me. nope.

  2. Dude,

    Why would I ever need/want to break her arms? Peep the 'Tags of Glory', one of them is "HUNGRY BITCHES". We need to bring some diversity into the Friday Hottie segment. If you can do better, then post a Friday Hottie. Otherwise, get off of your high horse and admit that you wouldn't kick Anja's fly caboose out of bed.

  3. Anja is so skinny, she barely has a caboose.

  4. Jesus. Has BMR gone all multiple personality disoreder on us? He posted and then 1 minute later contradicts himself...

  5. Caboose or not, baby girl can steal the covers. I'm just sayin'...
